Just a reminder that the extreme right is using toxic masculinity as a way to recruit young men.
While we can easily blame men for being toxic, I don't think it will fix much. We need to create a narrative that speaks to men that feel lost. One that's different than all the toxic shit that's so effective on these guys right now.
There's legions of young men feeling left behind by society, and we need to make sure they don't feel that way before things get ugly.
@ainmosni Maybe it would be a good idea to stop saddling men as a group with what basically amounts to a variation of original sin.
@mphjack7 @mansr @ainmosni I have healthy parents who own their house, I grew up with good and cheap national healthcare and free university education, and my parents have been able to support me my whole life. Even now when they're in their 80s, I've never had to support them. I've never had reason to fear asking a policeman for directions.
Should I be forgiven for this? No. There is nothing to forgive. Should I shut up before I tell someone to just ask their parents for money, or go to the police? Yes. Should I realize that I don't know what it's like to be truly poor and have nothing to eat, even in the freezer? Yes.
Should I shut up before telling some white guy that grew up poor that they should consider themselves lucky because at least they're not an Mexican immigrant like the successful business man across the street? Also yes. It's not a competition and it's not linear.
@clacke @ainmosni @mphjack7 All true. That's why "acknowledge your privilege, man" is not very different a message than "repent, sinner." If you are a man who is struggling in any way, being constantly told how privileged you are is going to feel like an attack on your very existence. It is then easy to be drawn to people who offer a different message where you are not the villain.
> That's why "acknowledge your privilege, man" is not very different a message than "repent, sinner."
@mansr How can you claim to agree with anything I said, and then go and say this as if it were in line with what I said?
Me being a bad person from birth and having to ask for forgiveness because my fictional ancestor was curious, that's original sin. It's a repressive mechanism to keep people in line, especially when you set yourself up as the official mediator to the authority on forgiveness.
It is very different from keeping in mind that everyone has different challenges, and that something that seems obvious or easy to me might not be that for someone else, and that the secret to any success I've had might have been 80% out of my control, that a person is not better than another person because they've had more success. That's what it means to acknowledge privilege. That's a mechanism for empathy.
@Charles_in_Charge @clacke @mansr @ainmosni They might do all that.
They might also just continue actively participating in the system and become a Rightoid. They would then reify what the Leftoid was pushing 5-10 years ago instead. Already they push "our trannies are more attractive than their trannies!"
There appears to still be too much buy-in in this system which allows for more tools of jews to be created.